Kevin J. Hall, BSc, MSc.
Resilience through emotional competence




Psychotherapist, Coach, Speaker
Kevin J. Hall is a licensed psychotherapist trained in marriage and family therapy, a Senior Coach with the Austrian Coaching Council (ACC) and the International Organization for Business Coaches (IOBC), a certified therapist of the International Center for Excellence in Emotionally Focussed Therapy (ICEEFT), a hypnotherapist and a member of the International Society for Hypnosis (ISH).
He has regularly contributed at conferences throughout the world on the topics of relationship counselling and hypnosis and is the author of various articles and contributions to books about psychotherapy, hypnotherapy, and couples therapy. Kevin and his team at WISH Mindscience, of which he is Director and Founder, are specialised in mental health and executive coaching.
Kevin has been selected as a top mental health coach by Coachfoundation. In an interview for the selection process, Kevin described his expertise as being able to help people develop emotional connectivity and competency in relationships.
Psychotherapy, Coaching & Supervision
In times when you are restricted from visiting me in the practice (quarantine, long stays abroad etc.) I offer sessions via video chat and telephone.

For adults (as of 17 years of age)

Couples counselling
For all couples - heterosexual, LGBTIQ.

Clinical hypnosis and Ericksonian therapy

Coaching & Supervision
For private individuals and companies.

Neurobiological circuits are an essential signalling system which enables us to process stimuli, appraise them and then change state to be able to act in accordance.

Humans are relationship and attachment-oriented creatures. The social systems within which we are embedded have an important impact in mental health.
Read more.

Emotions are essential for orientation and knowing what to do next. Our relationships depend on them so that we can feel connected to others.

Our subconscious mind is the treasure trove where all of our memories, knowledge and automated capabilities are stored. Hypnosis enables us to access resources stored here.
Read more.
Practice for psychotherapy & Counselling in 1140 Vienna

Our premises are quiet and peaceful. They offer clients a space to withdraw from the bustle of everyday life.

Are rooms are air-conditioned during all times of the year to ensure a pleasant temperature regardless of the season. I also make coffee tea and water available for your refreshment.

WISH Mindscience is located at ground-floor level and has accessible toilet facilities.

Psychotherapy can help with a wide range of mental health isses: depression, anxiety, panic, sleeping issues, addiction and substance abuse, eating disorders, low self-esteem etc. Clients learn to break dysfunctional patterns and learn new one which lead to increased quality of life.

For some couples the relationship becomes a place of conflict as feelings of safety, support and mutual respect get lost. It can be difficult to repair and make up. Resentment, anger and affairs occur as a result. If you are experiencing symptoms like this in your relationship then marriage and couples counselling could help you.

The modern workplace can be stressful and full of heavy demands. It can leave workers feeling overwhelmed, anxious or resentful and in extreme cases it can lead to burnout. Coaching and supervision can help you amongst other things to learn to switch off at home, to become assertive, to able to set limits and to develop effective conflict management skills.

Traumatic events are so disturbing that they create deep psychological scars. Months and years later anxiety, shock, sadness, anger, irritability, bitterness linger. Affected persons are often haunted by flashbacks and nightmares. Depersonalisation phenomena such as feeling like an automaton or having a sense that everything around is “not real” are also common occurrences.
I this sounds familiar then trauma therapy is particularly indicated and can help you to alleviate symptoms.

Sometimes biological medical approaches cannot sufficiently explain why someone is feeling pain or developing physical symptoms. Mind and body and inextricably linked and stress, concern, grief and anxiety can all influence the body. Examples are migraines, tinnitus, irritable bowl syndrome and chronic pain.
Treatment with hypnotherapy and the techniques from clinical hypnosis can help reduce physical discomfort and to learn to cope with symptoms.

Psychotherapy and counselling can help to ameliorate the suffering caused from the loss or death of a person, a career, or something else important in life. They can help with quarter-life, mid-life and retirement crises to find the way back to happiness and they can provide support and guidance at times when people are confronted with feelings of being overwhelmed or dissatisfied with their life or how they are as a person.
Take the first step towards a better future.
My Blog

Thoughts, Ideas and Concepts in Brief
I write about topics that seem current and relevant to me as a psychotherapist and coach. Sometimes I touch upon specific complaints, like depression or anxiety and sometimes I write about specific methods, like hypnosis and its effects. As I am often asked for actual things people can do in specific situations I also like to delve into the "how to's" for common situations, such as keeping your relationship on track whilst on holiday.
If you want to browse through my archives, you can find all the short articles I have written here.
Get in touch
Kevin J. Hall, MSc
Psychotherapist (systemic family therapy), cert. emotionally focused therapist (ICEEFT), ACC/IOBC Senior Coach, Hypnotherapist (ISH)
Kontakt Details
+43 1 9900858
WISH Mindscience, Straßgschwandtnerstraße 4/1, 1140 Vienna, Austria